

刊名Automatisierungstechnische Praxis

atp magazin自动化技术实践2022~2023


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

1998, vol.40, no.1 1998, vol.40, no.10 1998, vol.40, no.11 1998, vol.40, no.12 1998, vol.40, no.2 1998, vol.40, no.3
1998, vol.40, no.4 1998, vol.40, no.5 1998, vol.40, no.6 1998, vol.40, no.7 1998, vol.40, no.8 1998, vol.40, no.9

Actuators based upon piezoelectric and magnetostrictive solid-state transducersBernd Clephas; Hartmut Janocha19981998, vol.40, no.4
An emerging standard for distributed automotive systemsKarl Joachim Neumann; Uwe Kiencke; Ansgar Maisch19981998, vol.40, no.4
Human process communication using winning process in coal mining as an exampleNorbert Ingendahl19981998, vol.40, no.4
Piezo valves in electropneumatic positioners: 100000 times provenKlaus-Peter Heer19981998, vol.40, no.4
Production planning with SAP-R/3 for batch processes: report of an implementationHans-Dieter Rulla; Beate Riedl19981998, vol.40, no.4
Standard interface for process data communications and SCADA systems according to IEC 60870-6 TASE.2Karlheinz Schwarz19981998, vol.40, no.4
The development of digital process instrumentation and control: a retrospectiveHelmut Wolfel19981998, vol.40, no.4