

刊名Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology


1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

1998, vol.120, no.1 1998, vol.120, no.2 1998, vol.120, no.3 1998, vol.120, no.4

A consistent criterion for diffuse necking in sheet metals using Hill's 1979 yield surfaceS. K. Esche; R. Shivpuri19981998, vol.120, no.2
A constitutive model for powder materialsJishan Jin; N. D. Cristescu19981998, vol.120, no.2
A finite element analysis of the effect of hardening rules on the indentation testN. Huber; Ch. Tsakmakis19981998, vol.120, no.2
A simulation procedure for panel age formingS. P. Narimetla; J. Peddieson, Jr.; G. R. Buchanan; S. Foroudastan19981998, vol.120, no.2
A three-dimensional network model for a low density fibrous compositeD. C. Stahi; S. M. Cramer19981998, vol.120, no.2
An investigation of thin-film coating/substrate systems by nanoindentationJackie Li; Erik T. Thostenson; Tsu-Wei Chou; Laura Riester19981998, vol.120, no.2
Damage accumulation mechanisms in thermal barrier coatingsG. M. Newaz; S. Q. Nusier; Z. A. Chaudhury19981998, vol.120, no.2
Easy-to-compute tensors with symmetric inverse approximating Hencky finite strain and its rateZdenek P. Bazant19981998, vol.120, no.2
Evaluation of creep-fatigue life prediction methods for low-carbon nitrogen-added 316 stainless steelYukio Takahashi19981998, vol.120, no.2
Inelastic response of off-axis MMC laminaG. M. Newaz; Ke Zhang19981998, vol.120, no.2