

刊名T&D World

Transmission & Distribution World输电与配电2002~2017


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

1999, vol.51, no.1 1999, vol.51, no.11 1999, vol.51, no.13 1999, vol.51, no.2 1999, vol.51, no.3 1999, vol.51, no.4
1999, vol.51, no.5 1999, vol.51, no.6 1999, vol.51, no.7 1999, vol.51, no.8 1999, vol.51, no.9

Disconnects upgraded in remote area of Alaska: stuck switches cause headaches at chugachPaul Risse19991999, vol.51, no.3
Epoxy coating speeds SF{sub]6 leak repair: new procedure cuts repair time and costs by two-thirdsIan Ring19991999, vol.51, no.3
New business drivers for power system R&D: looking beyond the early chaos of an industry in transition, EA technology director Andrew cross provides a glimpse into the future of the power-delivery enterpriseGerry George19991999, vol.51, no.3
Partner to compete: outsourcing is a key to beating your competition in a deregulated utility environmentStuart M. Lewis19991999, vol.51, no.3
Reliability revisited: is system reliability achievable in today's downsized utilities?Earl Hazan19991999, vol.51, no.3
The "point and click" distribution substation: public service company of new Mexico engineers a new way of doing business by linking its in-house substation design tool with planning, procurement and construction applicationsGene Wolf; Gathen Garcia19991999, vol.51, no.3