

刊名Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2000, vol.45, no.1 2000, vol.45, no.2 2000, vol.45, no.3 2000, vol.45, no.4

Computer formulation of symbolic state equations for nonlinear analog circuits with excess elementsMihai Iordache; Lucia Dumitriu; Daniel Delion20002000, vol.45, no.4
Indices to evaluate the network nodes structureDumitru Ivas; Florin Munteanu; Ciprian Nemes20002000, vol.45, no.4
Estimation of optimum rated voltage of transformers in middle/low voltage substations of urban netsGabriel Bazacliu; Theodor Miclescu; Virgil Dumbrava20002000, vol.45, no.4
On the unipolary corona discharge field computation for electrodes point-planSilvia Maria Diga20002000, vol.45, no.4
Surtensions temporaries et decharges couronneGheorghe Magureanu20002000, vol.45, no.4
Evaluation of the lightning stroke thermal effect on the electric power substationsBadea Popa20002000, vol.45, no.4
New contributions to the study of lightning current's parameters part 1Ileana Baran; Dorin Cristescu20002000, vol.45, no.4
Modeling and simuling of medium voltage net operation for lightning overvoltagesMarilena Ungureanu; Ioana Roman20002000, vol.45, no.4
Computation of the electric field in insulation with water treesPetru V. Notingher; Ion Radu; Jean Cesar Filippini20002000, vol.45, no.4
Rolling sphere method application to substations protectionNicolae Gavrilas; Mircea Gusa; Marcel Istrate; Ciprian Ciobanu20002000, vol.45, no.4