

刊名Technisches Messen


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2024

2001, vol.68, no.10 2001, vol.68, no.11 2001, vol.68, no.12 2001, vol.68, no.2 2001, vol.68, no.3 2001, vol.68, no.4
2001, vol.68, no.5 2001, vol.68, no.6 2001, vol.68, no.7-8 2001, vol.68, no.9

Strain-dependent damping of materials measured with decaying bending oscillationsJ. Goken; W. Rehemann20012001, vol.68, no.12
On-line concentration measurement in fluids based on heat tonalityEckart Giebler; Siegfried Hauser; Karl-Heinz Neumann20012001, vol.68, no.12
High-precision temperature measurements with thermo couplesGerhard Bonsch; Hans-Joachim Schuster; Rene Schodel20012001, vol.68, no.12
Use of thermocouples for cost-effective measurement of temperature profiles on roll surfacesJorg Himmel20012001, vol.68, no.12
Feature extraction from spectra for classificationChristian Ellwein; Uwe Jager; Dieter Hentschel; Klaus-Jochen Frohlich; Bernd Frankenstein20012001, vol.68, no.12
3d-Peictures from a hand held scannerEwald Von Puttkamer; Helmut Hamfeld; Ewarld Dieterich20012001, vol.68, no.12