

刊名Technisches Messen


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2024

2001, vol.68, no.10 2001, vol.68, no.11 2001, vol.68, no.12 2001, vol.68, no.2 2001, vol.68, no.3 2001, vol.68, no.4
2001, vol.68, no.5 2001, vol.68, no.6 2001, vol.68, no.7-8 2001, vol.68, no.9

External cavity diode lasers for gas analyticsDieter Wandt; Carsten Fallnich; Herbert Welling; Laser Zentrum Hannover E. V.20012001, vol.68, no.9
Compact external cavity diode laser for industrial analysisLars Hildebrandt; Richard Knispel; Joachim Sacher; Sacher Lasertechnik Gmbh20012001, vol.68, no.9
Wavelength tunable cw and pulsed semiconductor lasers with external fiber cavities for gas analysisDieter Huhse; Matthias Kuntz; Dieter Bimberg; Technische Universitat Berlin20012001, vol.68, no.9
Broadband THz-radiation for gas analysisC. Weiss; E. Viehl; Ch. Theiss; G. Torosyan; M. Weinacht; R. Beigang R. Wallenstein20012001, vol.68, no.9
Investigation of diode laser-based multi-species gas sensor conceptsJ. Egermann; J. Jonuscheit; T. Seeger; A. Leipertz20012001, vol.68, no.9
Diode-laser based in-situ detection of multiple gas species in a power plantVolker Ebert; Thomas Fernholz; Carsten Giesemann; Heiner Pitz; Holger Teichert20012001, vol.68, no.9
Diode laser spectroscopy for gas analysis in industrial environmentsGeorg Ankerhold; Ralf Buchtal20012001, vol.68, no.9