

刊名Приборы и системы


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2001, no.1 2001, no.10 2001, no.11 2001, no.12 2001, no.2 2001, no.3
2001, no.4 2001, no.5 2001, no.6 2001, no.7 2001, no.8 2001, no.9

Safety assurance for computer-aided manufacture control systems applying the internet technologiesBuzinov R. A.20012001, no.6
Algorithms for optimal design of computer-aided control systems in problems with known goal function possessing the domination propertyVolfson V. L.20012001, no.6
Operation of the computer-aided system on the base of TRACE MODE 50.6Ghibshman E. A.; Kuzmina G. A.20012001, no.6
Experience of Ryazan instrumental enterprise "KONTAKT-1" in introducing into practice the computer-aided control system of small size at storehouses keeping petroleum products and liquefied gasGorbatenko B. S.; Gusev V. S.; Miroshin S. V.20012001, no.6
Premises of control system multicriteria formationZotov M. G.20012001, no.6
Dynamic distribution of requests with controlled functional accessibilityBogatyrev V. A.20012001, no.6
An adaptive computer-aided system for controlling the process of coating with polymeric powderShchedrinov A. V.; Kravchenko A. Yu.20012001, no.6
A universal controller for integrated automatic emergency systemBobrovnikov N. R.; Gridin Yu. N.; Chertov E. D.20012001, no.6
A noise-immune optic control channel on the base of a superconducting bolometerAntonenko S. V.; Bryzgunov K. V.; Korotkov D. P.20012001, no.6
Multichannel measuring transducer III9327Ghershov V. I.; Kutukov K. I.20012001, no.6