

刊名Вестник МЭИ


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2002, no.1 2002, no.2 2002, no.3 2002, no.4 2002, no.5 2002, no.6

Influence of parameters of the process of air compression on the efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle of a combined-cycle unit with a heat recovery steam generatorOkhotin, V. S.20022002, no.2
A method and criteria for sharing the expenses for thermal energyArakelyan, E. K.; Tarabanovskii, A. A.20022002, no.2
Methods for attracting the investments into the power industry of RussiaAndryushin, A. V.; Andryushin, D. A.; Kudryavyi, V. V.20022002, no.2
An automatic technology of emergency training under abnormal water chemistry in the feedwater circuit of thermal power stationsKopylov, A. S.; Kaplina, V. Ya.; Ochkov, V. F.; Pevneva N. Yu.; Rahaev, M. A.20022002, no.2
The scientific and practical basis and development of electrochemical methods and apparatuses for the treatment and monitoring of process water mediums containing organic substancesNephedkin, S. I.20022002, no.2
The ratio of expenses for construction and operation of 110-220 kV overhead power transmission lines in modern conditions (Part 1)Efentiev, S. N.; Zuyev, E. N.20022002, no.2
Chemical and thermal treatment of metals in an impulse electric dischargeDolbilin, E. V.20022002, no.2
The light field of a point monodirectional source in a small angle approximationBudak, V. P.; Veklenko, B. B.20022002, no.2
《Ethnos-nations-nationalism》 theoretical and historical aspectsKalinin, E. Yu.; Lyuskin, M. B.; Agadzhanov, V. V.20022002, no.2
Natural convection in thermophysical experiments at critical conditionsPolezhaev, V. I.; Soboleva, E. B.20022002, no.2