




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023

2002, vol.12, no.2 2002, vol.12, no.3 2002, vol.12, no.4 2002, vol.13, no.1

Kinetics of biochemically driven metal precipitation in synthetic landfill leachateRajika Samaranayake; Naresh Singhal; Gillian Lewis; Margaret Hyland20022002, vol.13, no.1
Photoremediation of industrial sludge using vegetation-assisted dewateringXiujin Qiu; Raymond C. Loehr20022002, vol.13, no.1
Incorporating ecology and ecological risk into long-term stewardship on contaminated sitesJoanna Burger20022002, vol.13, no.1
Activity and use limitations applied to risk-based corrective action - a checklist for efficacyPaul Sonnenfeld20022002, vol.13, no.1
Directionally drilled horizontal wells offer cost savings and technical advantages over alternative soil and groundwater remediation systemsLouis B. Fournier20022002, vol.13, no.1
In situ remediation of MTBE utilizing ozoneJeffrey C. Dey; Paul Rosenwinkel; Kevin Wheeler20022002, vol.13, no.1
Field analyses of RDX and TCE in groundwater during a GCW pilot studyAndrew C. Elmore; Lisa A. Travaglin; Jennifer L. Triplett20022002, vol.13, no.1
Choosing remediation and waste management options at hazardous and radioactive waste sitesMichael Greenberg; Joanna Burger; Charles Powers; Thomas Leschine; Karen Lowrie; Barry Friedlander; Elaine Faustman; William Griffith; David Kosson20022002, vol.13, no.1
Combining ion-exchange (IX) technology and biological reduction for perchlorate removalJacimaria R. Batista; Tina M. Gingras; Adriano R. Vieira20022002, vol.13, no.1
In situ capping design of a pyrite cinder pile in the St. Lawrence River for metal containmentLouis J. Thibodeaux20022002, vol.13, no.1