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2022 2023 2024

2002, no.2 2002, no.6 2002, vol.89, no.1 2002, vol.89, no.10 2002, vol.89, no.11 2002, vol.89, no.12
2002, vol.89, no.2 2002, vol.89, no.3 2002, vol.89, no.4 2002, vol.89, no.4 2 2002, vol.89, no.5 2002, vol.89, no.6
2002, vol.89, no.7 2002, vol.89, no.8 2002, vol.89, no.9

Practical experiences with a new non-heated pouring systemMerkl, P.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Capability of sand casting - high-loaded aircraft castings as examplesFuchs, H.; Wappelhorst, M.; Zeumer, N.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Relationship between mechanical properties of ductile metallic materials - supplement to [1]Siefer, W.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Safety in the shotblasting techniqueKorner, H.20022002, vol.89, no.5
European pressure equipment directive - consequences for foundriesSteller, I.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Annual review of methods of chemical analysis (36th continuation)Prumbaum, R.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Betriebserfahrungen mit einem unbeheizten GiesssystemMerkl, P.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Zur Leistungsfahigkeit von Sandguss am Beispiel hochbeanspruchter LuftfahrtanwendungenFuchs, H.; Wappelhorst, M.; Zeumer, N.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Zusammenhange zwischen mechanischen Eigenschaften duktiler metallischer Werkstoffe - Erganzung zu [1]Siefer, W.20022002, vol.89, no.5
Sicherheit in der StrahlverfahrenstechnikKorner, H.20022002, vol.89, no.5