



1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
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2002, vol.44, no.10 2002, vol.44, no.11-12 2002, vol.44, no.1-2 2002, vol.44, no.3 2002, vol.44, no.4 2002, vol.44, no.5
2002, vol.44, no.6 2002, vol.44, no.7-8 2002, vol.44, no.9

J-Q theory for the fracture of elastically mismatched interfaces part I: review of J-Q theory and first attempt to transfer it to the elastically mismatched problemJosef Dollhofer20022002, vol.44, no.5
Yield behavior of sheets at high strain ratesEberhard Roos; Uwe Mayer20022002, vol.44, no.5
Anchoring of CFRP tension elements - a new anchoring system for tension elements made of composites is presented in this contributionMehdi Farshad; Patrick Rossini; Peter Flueler20022002, vol.44, no.5
Failures in ceramic matrix composites - characterization by different proceduresAnnett Udoh; Klaus Eberle; Rodolfo Aoki; Steffen Lutze; Karl Maile20022002, vol.44, no.5
Investigations of textiles embedded in concrete - evaluation of the bond behavior by micro strain sensorsMatthias Molter; Josef Hegger; N. Will; Detlef Hofmann; Wolfgang Habel; Toivo Gutmann; Frank Basedau20022002, vol.44, no.5
Determination of missing precise dataWilfried Hinrichs; Clausthal-Zellerfeld20022002, vol.44, no.5
Fliesskurven an Blechen bei hohen DehnungsgeschwindigkeitenEberhard Roos; Uwe Mayer20022002, vol.44, no.5
CFK-Zugelemente verankern: Ein System zur Erzeugung eines gleichmassigen ZugspannungsfeldsMehdi Farshad; Patrick Rossini; Peter Flueler20022002, vol.44, no.5
Schaden in langfaserverstarkter Keramik C/C-SiC: Charakterisierung auf unterschiedlichen SkalenAnnett Udoh; Klaus Eberle; Rodolfo Aoki; Steffen Lutze; Karl Maile20022002, vol.44, no.5
Untersuchungen an textilbewehrtem Beton: Beurteilung des Verbundverhaltens mit faseroptischen MikrodehnungssensorenMatthias Molter; Josef Hegger; N. Will; Detlef Hofmann; Wolfgang Habel; Toivo Gutmann; Frank Basedau20022002, vol.44, no.5