

刊名Production Planning & Control


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
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2003, vol.14, no.1 2003, vol.14, no.2 2003, vol.14, no.3 2003, vol.14, no.4 2003, vol.14, no.5 2003, vol.14, no.6
2003, vol.14, no.7 2003, vol.14, no.8

A study on e-Transformation effectiveness analysis with cases in manufacturing and retail industriesCHOON SEONG LEEM; HYUNG SIK SUH; BUM YONG KIM; NAMKYU PARK20032003, vol.14, no.8
e-Work: the challenge of the next generation ERP systemsPORNTHEP ANUSSORNNITISARN; SHIMON Y. NOF20032003, vol.14, no.8
Applicability of e-Work models for the automation of construction materials management systemsDANIEL CASTRO-LACOUTURE; MIROSLAW J. SKIBNIEWSKI20032003, vol.14, no.8
Object-oriented XML document meta-model for B2B collaborationsTAESOO LIM; HOONTAE KIM; MINSOO KIM; SUK-HO KANG20032003, vol.14, no.8
A development methodology for e-Work ontology using RDF/RDFS and PSLTAI-WOO CHANG; KITAE SHIN; JINWOO PARK20032003, vol.14, no.8
Web-based cost estimation of machining rotational partsDAVID BEN-ARIEH; QIAN LI20032003, vol.14, no.8
Design of effective e-Work: review of models, tools, and emerging challengesSHIMON Y. NOF20032003, vol.14, no.8
Interface design for the Purdue enterprise reference architecture (PERA) and methodology in e-WorkHONG LI; THEODORE J. WILLIAMS20032003, vol.14, no.8
Framework for fractal-based supply chain management of e-Biz companiesKWANGYEOL RYU; YOUNG-JUN SON; MOOYOUNG JUNG20032003, vol.14, no.8
Collaboration and integration of the shared process system with workflow controlNAMKYU PARK20032003, vol.14, no.8