

刊名International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2024

2003, vol.20, no.1 2003, vol.20, no.2-3 2003, vol.20, no.4-5 2003, vol.20, no.6-7 2003, vol.20, no.8-9

Managing service quality: applying utility theory in the prioritization of service attributesY. N. Li; K. C. Tan; M. Xie20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
The strategic "pull" and operational "push" of total quality management in UK regional electricity service companiesRodney McAdam; John McLean; Joan Henderson20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
Measuring perceived service quality at UAE commercial banksNaceur Jabnoun; Hussein A. Hassan Al-Tamimi20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
Exploring the impact of culture on quality managementStefan Lagrosen20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
An application of Gumbel's bivariate exponential distribution in estimation of warranty cost of motor cyclesSurajit Pal; G. S. R. Murthy20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
Fuzzy criticality assessment model for failure modes and effects analysisMarcello Braglia; Marco Frosolini; Roberto Montanari20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
Quality management practice in highway constructionMireille G. Battikha20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
Design of total failure mode and effects analysis programmeS. R. Devadasan; S. Muthu; R. Neil Samson; R. A. Sankaran20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
The status of quality departments: empirical evidence for the Spanish manufacturing industryAlberto Bayo-Moriones; Javier Merino-Diaz de Cerio20032003, vol.20, no.4-5
Implementing ISO 14000 in Sweden: motives, benefits and comparisons with ISO 9000Bozena Poksinska; Jens Jorn Dahlgaard; Jorgen A. E. Eklund20032003, vol.20, no.4-5