

刊名Nuclear Engineering International


1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

2004, vol.49, no.594 2004, vol.49, no.595 2004, vol.49, no.596 2004, vol.49, no.597 2004, vol.49, no.598 2004, vol.49, no.599
2004, vol.49, no.600 2004, vol.49, no.601 2004, vol.49, no.602 2004, vol.49, no.603 2004, vol.49, no.604 2004, vol.49, no.605

Budge the sludge: Three purpose-built silo emptying plants have been designed to retrieve sludge material from Sellafield's Magnox Waste Storage FacilitySteve Barlow20042004, vol.49, no.601
Taking up arms for decommissioning: The UKAEA's decommissioning of the Windscale Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor is now in its final stages. Essential to the £80 million operation has been the remote dismantling machine and its manipulatorTerry Benest20042004, vol.49, no.601
Reaching into the depths of steam turbinesStephen Tarlton20042004, vol.49, no.601
Core vibrations: A miniature biaxial In-core accelerometer was successfully used to detect impacts and to localise the radial and axial position of impacting components inside the reactor pressure vessel of two 1300MWe BWRs during full power operationStephen Tarlton20042004, vol.49, no.601
To Yucca from plant: The US Department of Energy has decided that most of the spent fuel destined for a proposed repository at Yucca Mountain will be shipped by railThecla Fabian20042004, vol.49, no.601
Simple harmonic movesLome Green20042004, vol.49, no.601
Testing to the extreme: Current IAEA tests for radioactive materials transport packages appear to be rigorous enough to cover all realistic accident situationsWilliam Wilkinson20042004, vol.49, no.601
Non-Participation Treaty?Judith Perera20042004, vol.49, no.601