

刊名Hart's E&P

E & P哈氏石油勘探与生产2005~2020
Petroleum Engineer International哈氏石油勘探与生产2003~2003


1998 1999 2003 2004 2005

2004, no.10sup 2004, no.12sup2 2004, no.12sup3 2004, no.1sup1 2004, no.2sup1 2004, no.2sup2
2004, no.3sup2 2004, no.4sup 2004, no.6sup 2004, no.8sup1 2004, no.8sup2 2004, no.9sup
2004, vol.77, no.1 2004, vol.77, no.10 2004, vol.77, no.11 2004, vol.77, no.12 2004, vol.77, no.2 2004, vol.77, no.3
2004, vol.77, no.4 2004, vol.77, no.5 2004, vol.77, no.6 2004, vol.77, no.7 2004, vol.77, no.8 2004, vol.77, no.9

Service Sector Committed to Stable Investment Industry's 'Pure' R&D Falls ShortWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Multicomponent Seismic, Advancing Visualization Aids Subsurface UnderstandingWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Building Partnerships throuth Customers and Technologies: A leader in Innovative oil and gas sensors for more than 30 years, GE Energy continues to push exploration boundaries with new advances in formational evaluation and directional drilling sensorsWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Technology Integration to Dim Lines Among Drilling, Project Work, ProductionWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
New Cutter Increases Drillbit Performance: Research and development of GeoDiamond has focused on expanding the economic operating range of PDC bits and resulted in its new HOT cutterWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Strong R&D Results in Industry Firsts: At a time when companies are slashing their research and development (R&D) budget, Grant Prideco continues strong support for its R&D effortsWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Commitment to Technology and Environment Focus for Drilling CompanyWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Extending the Life of Mature Fields Important for R&DWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Increasingly Complex Projects call for Next-Generation TechnologyWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup
Brown Fields Will Get Increasing Share of R&D DollarWilliam Pike20042004, no.9sup