

刊名Hart's E&P

E & P哈氏石油勘探与生产2005~2020
Petroleum Engineer International哈氏石油勘探与生产2003~2003


1998 1999 2003 2004 2005

2004, no.10sup 2004, no.12sup2 2004, no.12sup3 2004, no.1sup1 2004, no.2sup1 2004, no.2sup2
2004, no.3sup2 2004, no.4sup 2004, no.6sup 2004, no.8sup1 2004, no.8sup2 2004, no.9sup
2004, vol.77, no.1 2004, vol.77, no.10 2004, vol.77, no.11 2004, vol.77, no.12 2004, vol.77, no.2 2004, vol.77, no.3
2004, vol.77, no.4 2004, vol.77, no.5 2004, vol.77, no.6 2004, vol.77, no.7 2004, vol.77, no.8 2004, vol.77, no.9

Predictability avoids waste: Reduction of unplanned events creates savings in offshore operationsBarry Samria20042004, vol.77, no.9
Working with security in mind: Security training keeps employees safeJOHN BRADBURY20042004, vol.77, no.9
Capturing Kashagan's Caspian riches: When the hype surrounding the Kashagan oilfield discovery first broke out, there were suggestions the North Caspian Sea find could contain up to 30 billion bbl of oilJOHN BRADBURY20042004, vol.77, no.9
Accidental research helps oilpath: Pressure management marks a step change for drillingRobert A. Graham20042004, vol.77, no.9
Perforator penetrates, not pulverizes: Controlling dynamic underbalanced pressure when perforating using the PURE method results in clean perforation tunnels for higher productivity and better injectivityAlan Salsman20042004, vol.77, no.9
Offshore production skyrockets: Big galns lie in the future of floating platforms as the industry moves to deeper waterDon Lyle20042004, vol.77, no.9
Stranded gas finds a boat ride: Deep and ultradeep water of many of the world's most promising hydrocarbon provinces has technically and economically challenged developers and operators in their field development approaches, especially for natural gasJohn Dunlop; Charles White; Jay Hachen20042004, vol.77, no.9
LNG debuts for smaller fields: Technology makes LNG available for offshore stranded gasDON LYLE20042004, vol.77, no.9
Choices critical for offshore platforms: Operators sift through a lot of variables before picking the right production facilityDON LYLE20042004, vol.77, no.9
IWS solves complex problems: The ability to manage each producing zone in a multizone completion pays big dividends. Intelligent well systems (IWS) are needed to thoroughly analyze production dynamics, then act to optimize themDICK GHISELIN20042004, vol.77, no.9