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2004, vol.103, no.1 2004, vol.103, no.10 2004, vol.103, no.11 2004, vol.103, no.12 2004, vol.103, no.2 2004, vol.103, no.3
2004, vol.103, no.4 2004, vol.103, no.5 2004, vol.103, no.6 2004, vol.103, no.7 2004, vol.103, no.8 2004, vol.103, no.9

When does lightning not look like lightning?John DeDad20042004, vol.103, no.4
The oft misinterpreted requirements of stationary battery systems: With current codes behind the state of battery technologies, inspectors may apply obsolete rules or misapply them entirelyStephen W. McCluer20042004, vol.103, no.4
Cords and Fixture Wires: Correctly applying the requirements of Art. 400 and 402 can prevent serious problemsMike Holt20042004, vol.103, no.4
Flywheel Technology Helps Life Spring Eternal for Battery Systems: Running a flywheel energy storage system in parallel with VRLA batteries can lengthen their service life and improve reliabilityScott Richey20042004, vol.103, no.4
The latest lighting options for parking facilities: lESNA's Recommended Practice for Parking Facilities can serve as a guideline for designing the lighting systems in garages and lotsJoe Knisley20042004, vol.103, no.4
The case of the hot marina: an inadequate grounding system on a docked boat leads to a rare form of electrocution that disguises itself as drowningJim Shafer20042004, vol.103, no.4
The basics of LonWorks: Getting a system's control devices to communicate effectively has gotten easier with the advent of local operating networksJoe Knisley20042004, vol.103, no.4
Minimizing AC induction motor Slip: although slip is a common problem with standard motors, several options exist for reducing its effectsMauri Peltola20042004, vol.103, no.4