

刊名Transmission & Distribution World

T&D World输电与配电1998~2024


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017

2005, no.12sup 2005, vol.57, no.1 2005, vol.57, no.10 2005, vol.57, no.11 2005, vol.57, no.12 2005, vol.57, no.2
2005, vol.57, no.3 2005, vol.57, no.4 2005, vol.57, no.5 2005, vol.57, no.6 2005, vol.57, no.7 2005, vol.57, no.8
2005, vol.57, no.9

Texas Rodeo Champions Put System Improvements First: Bryan Texas Utility, which took five first-place awards at this year's Texas Lineman's Rodeo, is in the midst of a 10-year proactive approach to improving its systemChick Herrin20052005, vol.57, no.9
Supply Chain Links Up When Hurricane Dennis Hits Florida: Hurricane season's early onset this year forced utilities and suppliers to recall valuable lessons learned only 10 months earlierPaul Alexander20052005, vol.57, no.9
Causes, Concerns and Remediation of Stray Voltages on Distribution Systems: EPRI Solutions discusses sources of stray-voltage nuisance shocking and both traditional and new techniques of mitigationDoug Dorr; Ashok Sundaram20052005, vol.57, no.9
Do Your Homework When Interconnecting Generation: Alabama Power investigates alternatives when connecting customer generation to rural circuitsJohn Bowen; Carl T. Wall20052005, vol.57, no.9
Flashover Characteristics of Fiberglass Standoff Brackets: National Grid works with EPRI Solutions and Clarkson University to investigate failed standoff brackets and possible future solutionsDave Crudele; Paul McGrath; Clayton Burns; Jerry Purdy20052005, vol.57, no.9
NEPCO'S Solution to Insulator Contamination in the Desert: After contaminated insulators on 400-kV line leads to systemwide outage in Jordan, NEPCO remedies the situation with live-line washingKhaled Mahmoud Said; Abdel Fattah Ali El Daradkah20052005, vol.57, no.9
Distribution Goes Underground: In downtown areas, Santee Cooper demonstrates how the benefit of OH-to-UG conversion outweighs the inconvenience of long-term construction challengesBrad Parnell20052005, vol.57, no.9
Inspection Investment Pays Dividends: Public Service New Mexico develops automated line patrol system that feeds field data into distribution asset management systemWes Wilson; Bill Ranken; Mike Abbey20052005, vol.57, no.9
Monitor the Condition of Your Underground Cable: PPL Electric Utilities embraces an underground cable testing program that enables the utility to replace cables based on field conditionJill Sinkiewicz; John L. Hinkle20052005, vol.57, no.9
Red Electrica Installs Spain's First 400-kV Cable SystemRamon Granadino20052005, vol.57, no.8