

刊名Hart's E&P

E & P哈氏石油勘探与生产2005~2020
Petroleum Engineer International哈氏石油勘探与生产2003~2003


1998 1999 2003 2004 2005

2005, no.1sup 2005, no.3sup 2005, no.3sup1 2005, no.4sup 2005, no.5sup 2005, vol.78, no.1
2005, vol.78, no.2 2005, vol.78, no.3 2005, vol.78, no.4 2005, vol.78, no.5 2005, vol.78, no.6

Rotary Steerable Systems at a Glance: Rotary steerable drilling has been used in the oil and gas drilling industry since about 1996, following several years of research, development and testingBill Plke20052005, no.3sup1
System Optimized Bits Deliver Peak Performance: The diversity of available rotary steerable tools, combined with the variety of well trajectories in which they are applied, requires a customized range of bits to optimize performanceBill Plke20052005, no.3sup1
Providing Competitive Rotary Steerable Systems: While the first rotary steerable system was developed in the early 1990s by Cambridge Drilling AutomationBill Plke20052005, no.3sup1
INTEQ - The Leader in Closed-Loop Steerable Drilling Systems and Services: Since the commercial introduction of the company's game-changing AutoTrak Rotary Closed-Loop System in 1997, INTEQ has been the recognized leader in automated drilling systemsBill Plke20052005, no.3sup1
Rotary Drilling Systems for all Environments, Downhole Conditions: The Schlumberger PowerDrive family is a suite of fully rotating rotary steerable systems [RSS] that incorporates leading-edge technology for all directional drilling environmetsBill Plke20052005, no.3sup1
Picking the Right Bit for the Job: Using the correct bit is critical in any job, but it is perhaps more important in directional and rotary stearable drilled wellboresBill Plke20052005, no.3sup1
Zeroing in on Smooth, Precise, In-Gauge Holes: Revolution point-the-bit rotary steerable service gives clients more accuracy and greater efficiency for straight-hole and directional drillingBill Plke20052005, no.3sup1