

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2005, vol.22, no.1 2005, vol.22, no.2-3 2005, vol.22, no.4 2005, vol.23, no.1 2005, vol.23, no.2-4 2005, vol.24, no.1
2005, vol.24, no.2 2005, vol.24, no.3 2005, vol.24, no.4

Intelligent computer applications in the energy sector: a literature review from 1990 to 2003K. Metaxiotis; A. Kagiannas20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
A variable asymptote logistic (VAL) model to forecast electricity consumptionZaid Mohamed; Pat S. Bodger20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
Fuzzy rule-based methodology for residential load behaviour forecasting during power systems restorationLia Toledo Moreira Mota; Alexandre Assis Mota; Andre Luiz Morelato Franca20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
CDM-PAT: a decision support tool for the pre-assessment of CDM projectsAlexandros Flamos; Haris Doukas; Konstantinos D. Patlitzianas; John Psarras20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
Use of artificial intelligence for the optimal design of solar systemsSoteris A. Kalogirou20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
Better management of energy knowledge: the key for success in the energy sectorKostas Metaxiotis20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
Load forecasting using artificial intelligence techniques: a literature surveyR. C. Bansal; J. C. Pandey20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
CMIEM: the computerised model for intelligent energy managementKonstantinos D. Patlitzianas; Alexandra Papadopoulou; Alexandros Flamos; John Psarras20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
Modelling of Turkey's net energy consumption using artificial neural networkAdnan Sozen; Erol Arcaklioglu; Mehmet Ozkaymak20052005, vol.22, no.2-3
Decision support system for estimating the technically and economically exploitable renewable energy sources potential in wide areas for connection to high voltage networksMichael Psalidas; Demosthenes Agoris; Vassilis Kilias; Kostas Tigas; Panagiotis Stratis; Giannis Vlachos20052005, vol.22, no.2-3