

刊名Review of Industrial Organization


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2005, vol.26, no.1 2005, vol.26, no.2 2005, vol.26, no.3 2005, vol.26, no.4 2005, vol.27, no.1 2005, vol.27, no.2
2005, vol.27, no.3 2005, vol.27, no.4

The Effect of Format Changes and Ownership Consolidation on Radio Station OutcomesCHARLES J. ROMEO; ANDREW R. DICK20052005, vol.27, no.4
How do Brands' "Own Generics" Affect Pharmaceutical Prices?AIDAN HOLLIS20052005, vol.27, no.4
Technology and the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from Dutch ManufacturingORIETTA MARSILI20052005, vol.27, no.4
Empirical Analysis of Merger Enforcement Under the 1992 Merger GuidelinesMALCOLM B. COATE20052005, vol.27, no.4
A Multinomial Logit Framework to Estimate Bid Shading in Procurement Auctions: Application to Cattle Sales in the Texas PanhandleJOHN M. CRESPI; RICHARD J. SEXTON20052005, vol.27, no.3
Economics at the FTC: Cases and Research, with a Focus on PetroleumLUKE M. FROEB; JAMES C. COOPER; MARK W. FRANKENA; PAUL A. PAUTLER; LOUIS SILVIA20052005, vol.27, no.3
The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division, 2004-2005ERIC EMCH; KEN HEYER; ROBERT MAJURE20052005, vol.27, no.3
On Welfare under Cournot and Bertrand Competition in Differentiated OligopoliesJUDY HSU; X. HENRY WANG20052005, vol.27, no.2
The Demand for International Message Telephone Services: A Two-Stage Budgeting ModelJINGSONG GUI20052005, vol.27, no.2
The Determinants of Entry are not Independent of Start-up Size: Some Evidence from Spanish ManufacturingJOSEP-MARIA ARAUZO-CAROD; AGUSTI SEGARRA-BLASCO20052005, vol.27, no.2