

刊名Open Systems & Information Dynamics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
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2020 2021 2022

2006, vol.13, no.1 2006, vol.13, no.2 2006, vol.13, no.3 2006, vol.13, no.4

Information Gain versus State Disturbance for a Single QubitKonrad Banaszek20062006, vol.13, no.1
On Partially Entanglement Breaking ChannelsDariusz Chruscinski; Andrzej Kossakowski20062006, vol.13, no.1
Neural Structures Using the Eigenstates of a Quantum Harmonic OscillatorGerasimos Rigatos20062006, vol.13, no.1
Stability Analysis of an Endoreversible Heat Engine with Stefan-Boltzmann Heat Transfer Law Working in Maximum-Power-Like RegimeJ. C. Chimal-Egufa; M. A. Barranco-Jimenez; F. Angulo-Brown20062006, vol.13, no.1
Ecological Optimization Performance of An Irreversible Quantum Otto Cycle Working with an Ideal Fermi GasFeng Wu; Lingen Chen; Fengrui Sun; Chih Wu; Fangzhong Quo; Qing Li20062006, vol.13, no.1
Phase-Space Approach to Berry PhasesDariusz Chruscinski20062006, vol.13, no.1
Entropies of Mixing (EOM) and the Lorenz OrderB. H. Lavenda20062006, vol.13, no.1
Geometric Entropies of Mixing (EOM)B. H. Lavenda20062006, vol.13, no.1
Separability of Mixed Quantum States: Linear Contractions and Permutation CriteriaMichat Horodecki; Pawel Horodecki; Ryszard Horodecki20062006, vol.13, no.1