

刊名Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries制造业中的人因素和人机工程学2010~2024


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

2006, vol.16, no.1 2006, vol.16, no.2 2006, vol.16, no.3 2006, vol.16, no.4

A Fuzzy Logical Vigilance Alarm System for Improving Situation Awareness and Trust in Supervisory ControlCheng-Li Liu; Kuo-Wei Su20062006, vol.16, no.4
A Framework for Developing Intelligent Real-Time Scheduling SystemsRonald F. McPherson; K. Preston White, Jr.20062006, vol.16, no.4
Perception of Safe Robot Speed in Virtual and Real Industrial EnvironmentsVincent G. Duffy; Calvin K. L. Or; Vivian W. M. Lau20062006, vol.16, no.4
The Nano Enterprise: A Survey of Health and Safety Concerns, Considerations, and Proposed Improvement Strategies to Reduce Potential Adverse EffectsReynold Sequeira; Ash Genaidy; Richard Shell; Waldemar Karwowski; Gary Weckman; Sam Salem20062006, vol.16, no.4
The Development of Critical Criteria to Improve the Alarm System in the Process IndustryMohammed Shahriari; Anirban Shee; Roland Ortengren20062006, vol.16, no.3
Knowledge Management for Occupational Safety, Health, and ErgonomicsBohdana Sherehiy; Waldemar Karwowski20062006, vol.16, no.3
A Systems View of Personnel Assignment ProblemsKaren S. Holness; Colin G. Drury; Rajan Batta20062006, vol.16, no.3
Changing the Internal Health and Safety Organization Through Organizational Learning and Change ManagementPeter Hasle; Per Langaa Jensen20062006, vol.16, no.3
Factors Influencing Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems by Enterprises in PolandDaniel Podgorski20062006, vol.16, no.3
Nanotechnology Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety: Education and Research Needs for an Emerging Interdisciplinary Field of StudyAsh Genaidy; Waldemar Karwowski20062006, vol.16, no.3