

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2006, vol.25, no.1 2006, vol.25, no.2-3 2006, vol.25, no.4 2006, vol.26, no.1-2 2006, vol.26, no.3 2006, vol.26, no.4
2006, vol.27, no.1 2006, vol.27, no.2-3 2006, vol.27, no.4

An efficient intrusion detection system using a boosting-based learning algorithmZhenwel Yu; Jeffrey J. P. Tsai20062006, vol.27, no.4
Indirect classification approaches: a comparative study in network intrusion detectionTaghi M. Khoshgoftaar; Kehan Gao; Hua Lin20062006, vol.27, no.4
Noise elimination with partitioning filter for software quality estimationTaghi M. Khoshgoftaar; Pierre Rebours20062006, vol.27, no.4
Challenges in biological literature mining for online discovery of molecular interaction pathwaysSee-Kiong Ng; Soon-Heng Tan20062006, vol.27, no.4
A time- and memory-efficient frequent itemset discovering algorithm for association rule miningRenata Ivancsy; Istvan Vajk20062006, vol.27, no.4
Mining California vital statistical dataDu Zhang; Quoc Luan Ha; Meiliu Lu20062006, vol.27, no.4
A web-page recommender system via a data mining framework and the Semantic Web conceptChoochart Haruechaiyasak; Mei-Ling Shyu; Shu-Ching Chen20062006, vol.27, no.4
A multimodal data mining framework for soccer goal detection based on decision tree logicShu-Ching Chen; Mei-Ling Shyu; Chengcui Zhang; Min Chen20062006, vol.27, no.4