

刊名Theoretical Computer Science


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2007, vol.370, no.1-3 2007, vol.371, no.1-2 2007, vol.371, no.3 2007, vol.372, no.1 2007, vol.372, no.2-3 2007, vol.373, no.1-2
2007, vol.373, no.3 2007, vol.374, no.1-3 2007, vol.375, no.1-3 2007, vol.376, no.1-2 2007, vol.376, no.3 2007, vol.377, no.1-3
2007, vol.378, no.1 2007, vol.378, no.2 2007, vol.378, no.3 2007, vol.379, no.1-2 2007, vol.379, no.3 2007, vol.380, no.1-2
2007, vol.380, no.3 2007, vol.381, no.1-3 2007, vol.382, no.1 2007, vol.382, no.2 2007, vol.382, no.3 2007, vol.383, no.1
2007, vol.383, no.2-3 2007, vol.384, no.1 2007, vol.384, no.2-3 2007, vol.385, no.1-3 2007, vol.386, no.1-2 2007, vol.386, no.3
2007, vol.387, no.1 2007, vol.387, no.2 2007, vol.387, no.3 2007, vol.388, no.1-3 2007, vol.389, no.1-2 2007, vol.389, no.3

Faster and simpler approximation algorithms for mixed packing and covering problemsFlorian Diedrich; Klaus Jansen20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
Randomized algorithm for the sum selection problemTien-Ching Lin; D. T. Lee20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
Refined upper bounds for right-arm rotation distancesSean Cleary; Fabrizio Luccio; Linda Pagli20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
On the strongly generic undecidability of the Halting ProblemAlexander Rybalov20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
MSOL partitioning problems on graphs of bounded treewidth and clique-widthMichael Rao20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
Coordinating team players within a noisy Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma tournamentA. Rogers; R. K. Dash; S. D. Ramchurn; P. Vytelingum; N. R. Jennings20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
Ranking k maximum sumsFredrik Bengtsson; Jingsen Chen20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
An extremal graph with given bandwidthYung-Ling Lai; Chang-Sin Tian20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
Panconnectivity and pancyclicity of hypercube-like interconnection networks with faulty elementsJung-Heum Park; Hyeong-Seok Lim; Hee-Chul Kim20072007, vol.377, no.1-3
Defect particle kinematics in one-dimensional cellular automataMarcus Pivato20072007, vol.377, no.1-3