

刊名Wireless personal communications


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
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2007, vol.40, no.1 2007, vol.40, no.2 2007, vol.40, no.3 2007, vol.40, no.4 2007, vol.41, no.1 2007, vol.41, no.2
2007, vol.41, no.3 2007, vol.41, no.4 2007, vol.42, no.1 2007, vol.42, no.2 2007, vol.42, no.3 2007, vol.42, no.4
2007, vol.43, no.1 2007, vol.43, no.2 2007, vol.43, no.3 2007, vol.43, no.4

A New Design Concept for High-Performance Fading Channel Simulators Using Set PartitioningMATTHIAS PATZOLD; BJORN OLAV HOGSTAD; DONGWOO KIM20072007, vol.40, no.3
BER Analysis of Equalized OFDM Systems in Nakagami, m < 1 FadingVANJA SUBOTIC; SERGUEI PRIMAK20072007, vol.40, no.3
Equalization Based Receivers for Wideband MIMO/BLAST SystemsJ. C. SILVA; N. SOUTO; F. CERCAS; R. DIMS; A. RODRIGUES; A. CORREIA20072007, vol.40, no.3
Interference Mitigation in MIMO Systems by Subset Antenna TransmissionKIHONG KIM; GORDON L. STUBER20072007, vol.40, no.3
Effect of Signal and Noise Mutual Coupling on MIMO Channel CapacitySNEZANA M. KRUSEVAC; RODNEY A. KENNEDY; PREDRAG B. RAPAJIC20072007, vol.40, no.3
Capacity and Coverage Tradeoff in WCDMA Environments with Repeaters DeploymentM. GARCIA-LOZANO; L. ALONSO; F. CASADEVALL; S. RUIZ20072007, vol.40, no.3
Effects of Dominant Other-Sector Interference on Dual Rx-Antenna HSDPA PerformanceLARS T. BERGER; TROELS E. KOLDING; LAURENT SCHUMACHER; PREBEN E. MOGENSEN20072007, vol.40, no.3
Performance of Super-Orthogonal Convolutional Coding for Ultra-Wideband Systems in Multipath and Multiuser ChannelsTOMOKO MATSUMOTO; RYUJI KOHNO20072007, vol.40, no.3
Energy consumption of the IEEE Std 802.15.3 MAC protocol in communication link set-up over UWB radio technologyLEONARDO GORATTI; JUSSI HAAPOLA; IAN OPPERMANN20072007, vol.40, no.3
Multi-user Synchronisation in ad hoc OFDM-based Wireless Personal Area NetworksVICTOR P. GIL JIMENEZ; ANA GARCIA ARMADA20072007, vol.40, no.3