

刊名Wireless personal communications


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
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2007, vol.40, no.1 2007, vol.40, no.2 2007, vol.40, no.3 2007, vol.40, no.4 2007, vol.41, no.1 2007, vol.41, no.2
2007, vol.41, no.3 2007, vol.41, no.4 2007, vol.42, no.1 2007, vol.42, no.2 2007, vol.42, no.3 2007, vol.42, no.4
2007, vol.43, no.1 2007, vol.43, no.2 2007, vol.43, no.3 2007, vol.43, no.4

A Domain-Based Routing Protocol for SSM Source Mobility in Mobile IPv6 NetworksPING WANG; YUNZE CAI; JINJIE HUANG; XIAOMING XU20072007, vol.41, no.1
An Integrated Model to Design PCS NetworksSALAH M. RAMADAN; AHMED EL SHERBINI; MAHMOUD MARIE; MOHAMED ZAKI20072007, vol.41, no.1
W-CDMA Uplink Practical Capacity and Interference Statistics of Rural Highways Cigar-Shaped Microcells with Imperfect Power Control and Finite Transmitted PowerBAZIL TAHA-AHMED; MIGUEL CALVO-RAMON; LEANDRO HARO-ARIET20072007, vol.41, no.1
Location Management in PCS Networks by Caching Two-Level Forwarding-PointersSALAH M. RAMADAN; AHMED EL SHERBINI; MAHMOUD MARIE; MOHAMED ZAKI20072007, vol.41, no.1
Reconfiguration Aspects and a Reconfigurable Outer Block Interleaver for 3G ApplicationsCOSTAS CHAIKALIS20072007, vol.41, no.1
Performance of Quantized Turbo Decoding for Decoders with Maximum a Postriori AlgorithmOMAR M. HASAN20072007, vol.41, no.1
IrBurst Modelling and Performance Analysis in the Presence of Transmission ErrorsPi HUANG; A. C. BOUCOUVALAS20072007, vol.41, no.1
On the Design of a Dual-Band, Switched-Beam Antenna Array with Constant Excitation CoefficientsSTELIOS A. MITILINEOS; CHRISTOS N. CAPSALIS20072007, vol.41, no.1
Time Delay Digital Tanlock Loop with Broad Lock Range Using Chaos Control TechniqueQASSIM NASIR20072007, vol.41, no.1
Multipath Mitigation Technique Based on Partial Autocorrelation FunctionZ. ZHANG; C. L. LAW; E. GUNAWAN20072007, vol.41, no.1