

刊名Open Systems & Information Dynamics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
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2020 2021 2022

2008, vol.15, no.1 2008, vol.15, no.2 2008, vol.15, no.3 2008, vol.15, no.4

Density Matrices and Their Time EvolutionE. Bruning; F. Petruccione20082008, vol.15, no.2
Towards a Classification of 6 × 6 Complex Hadamard MatricesMate Matolcsi; Ferenc Szollosi20082008, vol.15, no.2
Unital Positive Maps and Quantum StatesM. Asorey; A. Kossakowski; G. Marmo; E. C. G. Sudarshan20082008, vol.15, no.2
Noise Induced Current in a Double-Well TrapSebastiano Anderloni; Fabio Benatti; Roberto Floreanini20082008, vol.15, no.2
Quantum Teleportation and Holomorphic Representation of CCRS. Nagamachi; E. Bruning20082008, vol.15, no.2
Rigorous Estimation of Computational Complexity for OMV SAT AlgorithmSatoshi Iriyama; Masanori Ohya20082008, vol.15, no.2
On Completely Positive Non-Markovian Evolution of a d-Level SystemAndrzej Kossakowski; Rolando Rebolledo20082008, vol.15, no.2