

刊名Wireless personal communications


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2008, vol.44, no.1 2008, vol.44, no.2 2008, vol.44, no.3 2008, vol.44, no.4 2008, vol.45, no.1 2008, vol.45, no.2
2008, vol.45, no.3 2008, vol.45, no.4 2008, vol.46, no.1 2008, vol.46, no.2 2008, vol.46, no.3 2008, vol.46, no.4
2008, vol.47, no.1 2008, vol.47, no.2 2008, vol.47, no.3 2008, vol.47, no.4

Effect of Carrier Frequency Offset on the Channel Capacity in Multiuser OFDM-FDMA SystemsMartin Stemick; Hermann Rohling20082008, vol.47, no.1
D-STAR MAC Protocol: A Cross Layer Solution for Wireless Sensor Networks Endowed with Directive AntennasFrancesco Chiti; Michele Ciabatti; Giovanni Collodi; Davide Di Palma; Romano Fantacci; Gianfranco Manes; Antonio Manes; Ilaria Nelli20082008, vol.47, no.1
Adapting the Ranging Algorithm to the Positioning Technique in UWB Sensor NetworksMats Rydstrom; Luca Reggiani; Erik G. Strom; Arne Svensson20082008, vol.47, no.1
Coding Schemes for Crisscross Error PatternsSimon Plass; Gerd Richter; A. J. Han Vinck20082008, vol.47, no.1
Adaptive Bit Loading and Transmit Diversity for Iterative OFDM ReceiversStephan Sand; Christian Mensing; Carlo Mutti; Armin Wittneben20082008, vol.47, no.1
Performances of the H-ARQ Adaptive-QAM Transmissions over Multipath ChannelsVasile Bota; Zsolt A. Polgar; Mihaly Varga20082008, vol.47, no.1
High Spectral Efficient and Flexible Next Generation Mobile CommunicationsSimon Plass; Stephan Sand; Mikael Sternad; Arne Svensson20082008, vol.47, no.1
On the MIMO Channel Capacity Predicted by Kronecker and Muller ModelsMuge Karaman Colakoglu; Mehmet Safak20082008, vol.47, no.1
Methods for Compression of Feedback in Adaptive Multi-carrier 4G SchemesVictor P. Gil Jimenez; Thomas Eriksson; Ana Garcia Armada; M. Julia Fernandez-Getino Garcia; Tony Ottosson; Arne Svensson20082008, vol.47, no.1
Robust Transmission Over Fast Fading Channels on the Basis of OFDM-MFSKMatthias Wetz; Ivan Perisa; Werner G. Teich; Jurgen Lindner20082008, vol.47, no.1