

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
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2022 2023 2024

2008, vol.31, no.1-2 2008, vol.31, no.3-4 2008, vol.32, no.1 2008, vol.32, no.2 2008, vol.32, no.3 2008, vol.32, no.4
2008, vol.33, no.1 2008, vol.33, no.2-3 2008, vol.33, no.4

Capacity analysis of container terminals using simulation techniquesShell Ying Huang; Wen-Jing Hsu; Chuanyu Chen; Rong Ye; Stuti Nautiyal20082008, vol.32, no.4
An investigation into dynamic yard crane deployment and comparisons between hill-climbing and best-first-search algorithmsWei Yan; Youfang Huang; Junliang He20082008, vol.32, no.4
A decomposition-heuristic-rule-enabled decision-making system for dynamic quay crane allocation and schedulingYanwei Zhang; Ning Zhao; Laide Shi20082008, vol.32, no.4
A berth allocation strategy using heuristics algorithm and simulation optimisationDaofang Chang; Wei Yan; Chun-Hisen Chen; Zuhua Jiang20082008, vol.32, no.4
Structural fatigue assessment and management of large-scale port logistics equipmentsYuan Liu; Weijlan Mi; Huiqiang Zheng20082008, vol.32, no.4
A scenario analysis of a location problem with uncertain demandGuy A. Tanonkou; Lyes Benyoucef; Xiaolan Xie20082008, vol.32, no.4
A supply-chain-oriented business process reengineering strategy for on-demand new product developmentChun-Hsien Ghen; Wei Yan; Kuohsiang Chen20082008, vol.32, no.4
Incorporating users' creativity in new product development via a user successive design strategyDing-Bang Luh; Chia-Ling Chang20082008, vol.32, no.4
The effect of gender-related difference on human-centred performance using a mass assessment methodRobert C. C. Chen; Tin-Kai Chen20082008, vol.32, no.4