

刊名HPAC Engineering


1998 1999 2000 2004 2005 2006
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2009, vol.81, no.1 2009, vol.81, no.10 2009, vol.81, no.11 2009, vol.81, no.12 2009, vol.81, no.2 2009, vol.81, no.3
2009, vol.81, no.4 2009, vol.81, no.5 2009, vol.81, no.6 2009, vol.81, no.7 2009, vol.81, no.8 2009, vol.81, no.9

Reducing Greenhouse-Gas EmissionsIAN SPANSWICK20092009, vol.81, no.2
Planning and Achieving - High-Performance BuildingsPETER C. D'ANTONIO20092009, vol.81, no.2
Mental-Health Institute Replaces Copper Plumbing With CPVC Pipe - Aggressive water seen as cause of advanced corrosionMichael Weil20092009, vol.81, no.2
High-Efficiency Radiant Cooling - Injection pumping con relics power demand if radiant-cooling systemsGREG CUNNIFF20092009, vol.81, no.2
Older and Wiser: Reinventing an L.A. LandmarkMATTHEW CHERRY20092009, vol.81, no.2
Understanding the Efficiency of Motors - The path to achieving significant energy savings, improved reliabilityJOHN MALINOWSKI; GEORGE WEIHRAUCH20092009, vol.81, no.2
With Computational Fluid Dynamics, Data Center's Cooling Is Optimized - Effects on cooling performance, energy costs evaluatedMichael Weil20092009, vol.81, no.2
Modern Green-Building - Fire ProtectionKATE HOUGHTON20092009, vol.81, no.2
The Building-Design Revolution - Green building has compelled the design community to incorporate sustainable designJERRY YUDELSON20092009, vol.81, no.2