

刊名Welding Journal

The American Welder美国焊接1999~2000


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
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2009, vol.88, no.1 2009, vol.88, no.10 2009, vol.88, no.11 2009, vol.88, no.12 2009, vol.88, no.2 2009, vol.88, no.3
2009, vol.88, no.4 2009, vol.88, no.5 2009, vol.88, no.6 2009, vol.88, no.7 2009, vol.88, no.8 2009, vol.88, no.9

Using Thermal Spray to Conserve Resources: Multiple applications depend on thermal spray for cost-effective and life-extending surface coatingsFRED VAN RODIJNEN20092009, vol.88, no.7
Who Chooses a Welding Career? These nine people took a walk along the welding career path, but it led each down a different roadANDREW CULLISON; MARY RUTH JOHNSEN; HOWARD WOODWARD; KRISTIN CAMPBELL20092009, vol.88, no.7
Cost-Effective Thermal Spray Coatings for the Boiler Industry: A thermal spray coating can provide the long-term performance needed for the furnace cavity of coal-fired utility boilers retrofitted with low-NO{sub}x control systemsJUAN CARLOS NAVA20092009, vol.88, no.7
Thermal Spraying Takes Center Stage at Summit: Here's a roundup of presentations given during the latest International Thermal Spray Association symposiumKRISTIN CAMPBELL20092009, vol.88, no.7
Thermal Sprayed Deposits Shield Structures from Corrosion: Corrosion protection depends on the alloys used, surface preparation, and application methodsDAVE WIXSON20092009, vol.88, no.7
Nano Powders Improve Wear Resistance of Coatings: Consolidated forms of near-nano and nanograined materials are stronger and harder than consolidated forms consisting of conventionally sized thermal spray materialsC. MELNYK; S. SCHROEDER; D. GRANT; G. SAHA; L. GLENESK; R. GANSERT20092009, vol.88, no.7
Error Analysis of a Three-Dimensional GTA Weld Pool Surface Measurement System: The proposed system, which uses specular reflection of the pool surface as a means of measurement, was shown to be accurateH. SONG; Y. M. ZHANG20092009, vol.88, no.7
Ultrasonic Metal Welding Process Robustness in Aluminum Automotive Body Construction ApplicationsE. T. HETRICK; J. R. BAER; W. ZHU; L. V. REATHERFORD; A. J. GRIMA; D. J. SCHOLL; D. E. WILKOSZ; S. FATIMA; S. M. WARD20092009, vol.88, no.7