

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2010, vol.37, no.1 2010, vol.37, no.2 2010, vol.37, no.3/4 2010, vol.38, no.1/3 2010, vol.38, no.4 2010, vol.39, no.1/3
2010, vol.39, no.4

Two-dimensional localisation and clearance evaluation of screw rotorsYi-Chao Huang; Jiing-Yih Lai; Feng-Yung Lin; Yi-Li Guo20102010, vol.37, no.1
Region-based image registration for mosaickingSujoy Roy20102010, vol.37, no.1
Analysis of prediction performance of training-based models using real network trafficMohamed Faten Zhani; Halima Elbiaze; Farouk Kamoun20102010, vol.37, no.1
Technical note: allocation of optimal tolerances in a mechanical assembly using DE and NSGA-IIK. Sivakumar; C. Balamurugan20102010, vol.37, no.1
Bagging different instead of similar models for regression and classification problemsSotiris B. Kotsiantis; Dimitris N. Kanellopoulos20102010, vol.37, no.1
A case study to find out to what extent cellular manufacturing techniques are implemented and barriers affecting itShishir Bhat20102010, vol.37, no.1
A structured process model for conceptual design of mechanismsChi-Lan Cai; Ren-Bin Xiao20102010, vol.37, no.1
Energy-aware grid resource scheduling: model and algorithmLi Chunlin; Li FangYun; Li Layuan20102010, vol.37, no.1