

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2010, vol.37, no.1 2010, vol.37, no.2 2010, vol.37, no.3/4 2010, vol.38, no.1/3 2010, vol.38, no.4 2010, vol.39, no.1/3
2010, vol.39, no.4

Partial retrieval of compressed semi-structured documentsAshutosh Gupta; Suneeta Agarwal20102010, vol.38, no.4
Multi-page document analysis based on format consistency and clusteringLiangcai Gao; Zhi Tang; Jing Fang; Xiaofan Lin20102010, vol.38, no.4
An English and/or Japanese writing support tool based on a web search engineKazuaki Ando; Yuichi Tsunashima; Youhei Furukawa20102010, vol.38, no.4
A schema for ontology-based concept definition and identificationZhan Li; Marek Reformat20102010, vol.38, no.4
Effective extraction method of the mutual understanding gap based on the egocentrismNobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda20102010, vol.38, no.4
Building of field association terms based on linksMahmoud Rokaya; El-Sayed Atlam20102010, vol.38, no.4
SSGL: a semi-supervised grammar learnerK. Sundarakantham; N. Sheena; S. Mercy Shalinie20102010, vol.38, no.4
Local features-based script recognition from printed bilingual document imagesS. Abirami; D. Manjula20102010, vol.38, no.4
Analysis of greenhouse gases trading system using conversations among stakeholdersSetsuya Kurahashi; Masato Ohori20102010, vol.38, no.4
Clarification of the price fluctuation mechanism in financial markets: disparity in forecast accuracy among investors and asset price fluctuationsHiroshi Takahashi20102010, vol.38, no.4