

刊名European Planning Studies


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2011, vol.19, no.1 2011, vol.19, no.10 2011, vol.19, no.11 2011, vol.19, no.12 2011, vol.19, no.2 2011, vol.19, no.3
2011, vol.19, no.4 2011, vol.19, no.5 2011, vol.19, no.6 2011, vol.19, no.7 2011, vol.19, no.8 2011, vol.19, no.9

Companies, Cultures, and the Region: Interactions and OutcomesNICK CLIFTON; STEFAN GARTNER; DIETER REHFELD20112011, vol.19, no.11
A Virtuous Circle? Co-evolution of Regional and Corporate CulturesPETER PRUD'HOMME VAN REINE; BEN DANKBAAR20112011, vol.19, no.11
Open Innovation and Regional Culture-Findings from Different Industrial and Regional SettingsFRANZ TODTLING; PETER PRUD'HOMME VAN REINE; STEFFEN DORHOFER20112011, vol.19, no.11
Path Dependence and New Paths in Regional Evolution: In Search of the Role of CulturePHILIP COOKE; DIETER REHFELD20112011, vol.19, no.11
Corporations and Regions: Capturing Multiple Vicinity Spaces in European RegionsSTEFAN GARTNER20112011, vol.19, no.11
Contrasting the Footloose Company: Social Capital, Organizational Fields and CultureSTEFFEN DORHOFER; CHRISTOPH MINNIG; ULRICH PEKRUHL; PETER PRUD'HOMME VAN REINE20112011, vol.19, no.11
Regional Culture in the Market Place: Place Branding and Product Branding as Cultural ExchangeNICK CLIFTON20112011, vol.19, no.11
Continuity and Discontinuity in the Interaction of Regional and Corporate Cultures: Potsdam (Germany) and Gyor (Hungary)MIKLOS LOSONCZ20112011, vol.19, no.11