

刊名Revue de l'electricite et de l'electronique


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2011, no.1 2011, no.2 2011, no.3 2011, no.4 2011, no.5 2011, no.6

Separation of Partial Discharge Faults and Noise by Synchronous Multi-Channel Data AcquisitionKay Rethmeier; William Kibart20112011, no.3
Feature 1: Transmission and Distribution Insulated Power Cables - Developments of the Underground WW Network a ERDF (France). Recap and ProspectsJacques MERLEY20112011, no.3
Evolution of the Electric Power Transmission Grid: Challenges of the Underground LinksJerome HERREROS20112011, no.3
Contribution of CIGRE SC B1 to the Evolution of HV/EHV Power Cable SystemsPierre ARGAUT20112011, no.3
Beyond Standards, FIREArnaud PIECHACZYK; Aurelien THIRY; Bernard POISSON; Pascal CHOPIN; Patrick LE DIRAT; Roland BAIL; Sabrina FELL; Sylvie BARBAZANGES20112011, no.3
Dossier 1: Cables electriques isoles de transport et de distribution d'electricite - Developpements du reseau HTA souterrain a ERDF (France). Rappels et perspectivesJacques MERLEY20112011, no.3
Evolution du reseau de transport d'electricite: les defis des liaisons souterrainesJerome HERREROS20112011, no.3
Dossier 2: Propagation et plasmas: nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles applications - EISGAT 3D: une nouvelle generation de radars ionospheriquesFrederic PITOUT20112011, no.3
La reflectometrie: un outil pour detecter ies modes MHD dans les plasmas du tokamak Tore-SupraRoland SABOT; Zwinglio GUIMARAES-FILHO; Christine NGUYEN; Thomas RISTORCELLI; Didier ELBEZE; Xavier GARBET; Jean-Claude GIACALONE20112011, no.3
Analyse large bande de structures comportant des milieux plasmas dispersifs par la methode TLMArij FARHAT; Michel NEY20112011, no.3