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Big Swing: Pro sluggers love Marucci wooden bats. But can CEO Reed Dickens sell the aluminum variety to the masses?JOHN DOBOSZ20112011, vol.187, no.9
REIT Merger BoomPeter Slatin20112011, vol.187, no.9
Banking on Anton Schutz of the Burnham Financial Industries fund is aiming to cash in on a coming wave of bank mergersDANIEL FISHER20112011, vol.187, no.9
Drug LordMAUREEN FARRELL20112011, vol.187, no.9
Like Father, Like Child: Is entrepreneurial success passed along from one generation to the next?SUSAN ADAMS20112011, vol.187, no.9
Hotel Heists: One day you swipe the towels, the next you're frying fish from the koi pondRICHARD NALLEY20112011, vol.187, no.9
Secret Agent: Public pensions are $660 billion in the hole. Investment middleman Glen Sergeon illustrates how millions more are being lost to dubious dealingsZACK O'MALLEY GREENBURG20112011, vol.187, no.9
Pfizer's Radical Surgery: Will new CEO Ian Read break up the world's largest drug company? Wall Street sure hopes soMATTHEW HERPER20112011, vol.187, no.9
Fade To Black: Peabody Energy is betting the whole show on coal-and on China, tooCHRISTOPHER HELMAN20112011, vol.187, no.9
Apples and OrangesJohn Reese20112011, vol.187, no.9