

刊名HPAC Engineering


1998 1999 2000 2004 2005 2006
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2011, vol.83, no.1 2011, vol.83, no.10 2011, vol.83, no.11 2011, vol.83, no.12 2011, vol.83, no.2 2011, vol.83, no.3
2011, vol.83, no.4 2011, vol.83, no.5 2011, vol.83, no.5 SUPPL. 2011, vol.83, no.6 2011, vol.83, no.7 2011, vol.83, no.8
2011, vol.83, no.9

Modulating Fan-Powered Economizers - Broadening the applicability of energy recoverySTEEN HAGENSEN; GRANT ROBERTS; RICHARD FREET20112011, vol.83, no.6
A Responsible Approach to Solar Thermal DESIGN - Software modeling paves the way to efficient designPAUL ROHRS20112011, vol.83, no.6
Flood Prompts Med Center's Search for Permanent Source of Steam - Gas/oil units provide reliability, advanced computer controlMICHAEL WEIL20112011, vol.83, no.6
Pulse-Combustion Boilers Reduce Condo's Electrical Consumption - Units consume 'almost no power while in operation'MICHAEL WEIL20112011, vol.83, no.6
Optimizing Efficiency with Multiboiler Systems - Heat when it's needed, energy savings when it's notLARRY J. ASHTON20112011, vol.83, no.6
The QUEST for Maximum Boiler-System EfficiencyRON RAJECKI20112011, vol.83, no.6
Navigating an Energy Audit - What to expect when expecting an energy assessmentSTEVE CONNOR20112011, vol.83, no.6
Keeping It Simple with Data Center CoolingBUDDY PHILLIPS20112011, vol.83, no.6
Reducing Hospital CO_2 Emissions with Condensing Boilers - Simulations show effectiveness of condensing unitsRamez Naguib20112011, vol.83, no.6