

刊名Transport Reviews


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
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2012, vol.32, no.1 2012, vol.32, no.2 2012, vol.32, no.3 2012, vol.32, no.4 2012, vol.32, no.5 2012, vol.32, no.6

Making a Business Case for Intelligent Transport Systems: A Holistic Business Model FrameworkKONSTANTINOS N. GIANNOUTAKIS; FENG LI20122012, vol.32, no.6
Men Shape a Downward Trend in Car Use among Young Adults-Evidence from Six Industrialized CountriesTOBIAS KUHNIMHOF; JIMMY ARMOOGUM; RALPH BUEHLER; JOYCE DARGAY; JON MARTIN DENSTADLI; TOSHIYUKI YAMAMOTO20122012, vol.32, no.6
Extending the Scope of Highway Planning: Accessibility, Negative Externalities and the Residential ContextTAEDE TILLEMA; MARIJE HAMERSMA; JOSEPH M. SUSSMAN; JOS ARTS20122012, vol.32, no.6
Wayfinding: A simple concept, a complex processANNA CHARISSE FARR; TRISTAN KLEINSCHMIDT; PRASAD YARLAGADDA; KERRIE MENGERSEN20122012, vol.32, no.6
Actors and Their Representations in Shipping Policy: Developing the European Maritime Safety AgencySOPHIE DUPRE; EMMANUEL GUY20122012, vol.32, no.6
Barriers to Passenger Rail Use: A Review of the EvidenceSIMON BLAINEY; ADRIAN HICKFORD; JOHN PRESTON20122012, vol.32, no.6
Time-Series Models of Aggregate Road Risk and Their Applications to European CountriesRUTH BERGEL-HAYAT20122012, vol.32, no.5
An Analysis of the Dynamics of Ownership, Capacity Investments and Pricing Structure of PortsYIBIN XIAO; ADOLF K. Y. NG; HANGJUN YANG; XIAOWEN FU20122012, vol.32, no.5
A Review of Transport Noise IndicatorsCRISTINA PRONELLO; CRISTIAN CAMUSSO20122012, vol.32, no.5
Substantial Changes and Their Impact on Mobility: A Typology and an Overview of the LiteratureSANDER VAN CRANENBURGH; CASPAR CHORUS; BERT VAN WEE20122012, vol.32, no.5