

刊名Lubrication Engineering

Tribology & Lubrication Technology润滑工程2017~2024


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017

2012, vol.68, no.1 2012, vol.68, no.10 2012, vol.68, no.11 2012, vol.68, no.12 2012, vol.68, no.2 2012, vol.68, no.3
2012, vol.68, no.4 2012, vol.68, no.5 2012, vol.68, no.6 2012, vol.68, no.7 2012, vol.68, no.8 2012, vol.68, no.9

Nanodiamond coatings for artificial jointsNeil Canter20122012, vol.68, no.6
Effect of nanovoids on metal failureThomas T. Astrene20122012, vol.68, no.6
Real-time monitoring of viscosityNeil Canter20122012, vol.68, no.6
STLE Certification: What Does It Mean?Robert M. Gresham20122012, vol.68, no.6
Ultrasonic energy measurement to improve effective lubrication practicesMike Johnson; John W. Ward20122012, vol.68, no.6
A fast but productive year: The time flew by but resulted in many achievements for our societyMichael T. Dugger20122012, vol.68, no.6
The Six Elements of Product SuccessJean Van Rensselar20122012, vol.68, no.6
Tribological Performance of EP Additives in Different Base OilsYUAN-CHING LIN; YU-HSIEN CHO; CHIN-TE CHIU20122012, vol.68, no.6
Occam's Toothpaste: Often the simplest answer is the bestEvan Zabawski20122012, vol.68, no.6