

刊名Stochastics and dynamics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
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2014, vol.14, no.1 2014, vol.14, no.2 2014, vol.14, no.3 2014, vol.14, no.4

Lyapunov spectrum of a relativistic stochastic flow in the Poincare groupCamille Tardif20142014, vol.14, no.4
On limit periodicity of discrete time stochastic processesAlexandra Rodkina; Nikolai Dokuchaev; John Appleby20142014, vol.14, no.4
The positive occupation time of Brownian motion with two-valued drift and asymptotic dynamics of sliding motion with noiseD. J. W. Simpson; R. Kuske20142014, vol.14, no.4
Existence and upper semicontinuity of attractors for stochastic equations with deterministic non-autonomous termsBixiang Wang20142014, vol.14, no.4
A coupling approach to random circle maps expanding on the averageMikko Stenlund; Henri Sulku20142014, vol.14, no.4
Adapted random perturbations for non-uniformly expanding mapsVitor Araujo; Maria Jose Pacifico; Mariana Pinheiro20142014, vol.14, no.4
Hilbert transform of G-Brownian local timeLitan Yan; Qinghua Zhang; Bo Gao20142014, vol.14, no.4
Well-posedness of Stratonovich multi-valued SDEs driven by semimartingalesJing Wu20142014, vol.14, no.4
Asymptotic properties of coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equationsAna Bela Cruzeiro; Andre de Oliveira Gomes; Liangquan Zhang20142014, vol.14, no.3
BSDE representations for optimal switching problems with controlled volatilityRomuald Elie; Idris Kharroubi20142014, vol.14, no.3