

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


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2014, vol.49, no.1 2014, vol.49, no.2 2014, vol.49, no.3/4 2014, vol.50, no.1/2 2014, vol.50, no.3/4

TGSR: the great salmon run optimisation algorithmAlireza Fathi; Ahmad Mozaffari20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
Bio-inspired algorithms for multilevel image thresholdingSalima Ouadfel; Souham Meshoul20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
Scheduling and optimisation of batch plants: model development and comparison of approachesYaqing Tan; Wei Huang; Yanming Sun; Yong Yue20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
Improving production quality of a hot-rolling industrial process via genetic programming modelAlaa F. Sheta; Hossam Faris; Ertan Oznergiz20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
Taxonomy of optimisation techniques and applicationsCarsten Maple; Edmond Prakash; Wei Huang; Adnan N. Qureshi20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
Two novel sweep-based heuristics for the vehicle routing problemAbdesslem Layeb; Salim Chikhi20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
The sub-pixel efficacy region of the bivariate linear interpolation functionCarlo Ciulla; Fadi P. Deek20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
QoS routing and rerouting optimisation in cognitive networkXingwei Wang; Hui Cheng; Min Huang20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
A visual cryptography copyright protection method based on artificial bee colony algorithmYongchang Chen; Weiyu Yu; Jiuchao Feng20142014, vol.49, no.3/4
Pose robust face recognition based on kernel regression in Bayesian frameworkYing Chen; Longyuan Zhang; Xiuxiao Guo20142014, vol.49, no.3/4