

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


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2014, vol.49, no.1 2014, vol.49, no.2 2014, vol.49, no.3/4 2014, vol.50, no.1/2 2014, vol.50, no.3/4

A research on the stickiness of gradient process for regional economy based on grey clusteringWei Min20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
Dynamic rolling-horizon strategy for the electric trolley scheduling in frame bridge-based automated container terminals based on Hungarian algorithmJunliang He; Weimin Zhang; Youfang Huang; Wei Yan20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
Evaluating electricity price volatility risk in competitive environment based on ARMAX-GARCHSK-EVT modelJin Wang; Ruiqing Wang20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
An effective approach for the optimisation of cutting parametersXiaoyun Jiang; Wenchin Chen20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
Multiple response optimisation based on the ANN theory of complex injection moulding processHai-tao Su; Wei-bin Xie; Hui Zeng20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
Diagnose the unreliability during flight takeoffWenzhi Zhao; Jingchen Fang20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
A reservoir identification method based on rough set and support vector machineSun Han; Zhang Huan; Guo Haixiang; Cheng Jinhua20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
Robust optimisation approach for vehicle routing problems with demand and cost uncertaintyLiang Sun; Bing Wang20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
A new method of minimum convex hull in computer applicationsBo Liu; Jian Ruan20142014, vol.50, no.3/4
A kind of energy-efficiency wireless sensor network model based on passive clustering algorithmJing Zhou; Jingshi Wang20142014, vol.50, no.3/4