

刊名Control Engineering Practice


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2014, vol.22 2014, vol.23 2014, vol.24 2014, vol.25 2014, vol.26 2014, vol.27
2014, vol.28 2014, vol.29 2014, vol.30 2014, vol.31 2014, vol.32 2014, vol.33

Automation-driver cooperative driving in presence of undetected obstaclesB. Soualmi; C. Sentouh; J. C. Popieul; S. Debernard20142014, vol.24
Switched LQR/H_∞ steering vehicle control to detect critical driving situationsLghani Menhour; Ali Charara; Daniel Lechner20142014, vol.24
Control system design and input shape for orientation of spherical wheel motorHungsun Son; Kok-Meng Lee20142014, vol.24
LPV state-feedback control of a control moment gyroscopeHossam Seddik Abbas; Ahsan Ali; Seyed Mahdi Hashemi; Herbert Werner20142014, vol.24
FDI and FTC of wind turbines using the interval observer approach and virtual actuators/sensorsJoaquim Blesa; Damiano Rotondo; Vicenc Puig; Fatiha Nejjari20142014, vol.24
Control of resistive wall modes in tokamak plasmasM. Ariola; G. De Tommasi; A. Pironti; F. Villone20142014, vol.24
Optimal control for chatter mitigation in milling-Part 1: Modeling and control designJeremie Monnin; Fredy Kuster; Konrad Wegener20142014, vol.24
Optimal control for chatter mitigation in milling-Part 2: Experimental validationJeremie Monnin; Fredy Kuster; Konrad Wegener20142014, vol.24
A hybrid algorithm to tune power oscillation dampers for FACTS devices in power systemsM. F. Castoldi; D. S. Sanches; M. R. Mansour; N. G. Bretas; R. A. Ramos20142014, vol.24
Guaranteeing safety for heavy duty vehicle platooning: Safe set computations and experimental evaluationsAssad Alam; Ather Gattami; Karl H. Johansson; Claire J. Tomlin20142014, vol.24