

刊名Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing制造业中的人因素和人机工程学2000~2011


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2014, vol.24, no.1 2014, vol.24, no.2 2014, vol.24, no.3 2014, vol.24, no.4 2014, vol.24, no.5 2014, vol.24, no.6

Association of Risk Factors with Musculoskeletal Disorders among Male Commercial Bus Drivers in MalaysiaTamrin, Shamsul Bahri M.; Yokoyama, Kazuhito; Aziz, Nasaruddin; Maeda, Setsuo20142014, vol.24, no.4
Examining the Effects of Conformal Terrain Features in Advanced Head-Up Displays on Flight Performance and Pilot Situation AwarenessKim, Sang-Hwan; Kaber, David B.20142014, vol.24, no.4
ISO 9001 and the Quality of Working Life: An Empirical Study in a Peripheral Service Industry to the Standard's Home MarketHeras-Saizarbitoria, Inaki; Cilleruelo, Ernesto; Allur, Erlantz20142014, vol.24, no.4
Difficulties in Quantifying Financial Losses that Could Be Reduced by Ergonomic SolutionsDa Silva, Marcelo Pereira; Amaral, Fernando Goncalves; Mandagara, Henrique; Leso, Bernardo Henrique20142014, vol.24, no.4
The Effect of Mixed American-Chinese Group Composition on Computer-Mediated Group Decision MakingLi, Hui; Rau, Pei-Luen Patrick; Salvendy, Gavriel20142014, vol.24, no.4
Less Expert Workers and Customer Complaints: Automotive Case StudyMateo, Ricardo; Tanco, Martin; Santos, Javier20142014, vol.24, no.4
Competence Assessment in Higher Education: A Dynamic ApproachAchcaoucaou, Fariza; Guitart-Tarres, Laura; Miravitlles-Matamoros, Paloma; Nunez-Carballosa, Ana; Bernardo, Merce; Bikfalvi, Andrea20142014, vol.24, no.4
Evaluating Bar Coding-Aided Medication Administration through Identification of Nursing Work DeficienciesTian, Renran; Lee, Byung Cheol; Yucel, Gulcin; Abel, Steven R.; Hultgren, Kyle E.; Duffy, Vincent G.20142014, vol.24, no.4
Development and Testing of a New Computerized Link Analysis SystemZhao, Y.; Hignett, S.; Mansfield, N. J.20142014, vol.24, no.4
Association of Risk Factors with Musculoskeletal Disorders among Male Commercial Bus Drivers in MalaysiaTamrin, Shamsul Bahri M.; Yokoyama, Kazuhito; Aziz, Nasaruddin; Maeda, Setsuo20142014, vol.24, no.4