

刊名Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing制造业中的人因素和人机工程学2000~2011


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
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2022 2023 2024

2014, vol.24, no.1 2014, vol.24, no.2 2014, vol.24, no.3 2014, vol.24, no.4 2014, vol.24, no.5 2014, vol.24, no.6

Special Issue in Honor of Professor James W. Barany on Educational Initiatives in Ergonomics & Industrial Engineering ForewordLehto, Mark R.; Nof, Shimon Y.; Deshmukh, Abhi; Leimkuhler, Ferd; Liu, Richard; Sweet, Arnold; Wilson, Jim20142014, vol.24, no.5
A Tag-Based Approach for Learning Ergonomic ConceptsTang, Kuo Hao; Hwang, Sheue Ling; Tsai, Li Chen20142014, vol.24, no.5
Extraversion Personality and Computer Game PlayFang, Xiaowen; Zhu, Miaoqi; Chan, Susy20142014, vol.24, no.5
Supporting the Spread of Systems Engineering in Healthcare: A Partnership for Teaching Patient Safety ResidentsRust, Tom; Archambeault, Cliona; Triplett, Stephanie; Kim, Bo; Kartha, Anand20142014, vol.24, no.5
Predicting the Intention to Use a Web-Based Learning System: Perceived Content Quality, Anxiety, Perceived System Quality, Image, and the Technology Acceptance ModelCalisir, Fethi; Gumussoy, Cigdem Altin; Bayraktaroglu, Ayse E.; Karaali, Demet20142014, vol.24, no.5
Educational Apps: Using Mobile Applications to Enhance Student Learning of Statistical ConceptsLing, Chen; Harnish, Drew; Shehab, Randa20142014, vol.24, no.5
Ergonomics Service Learning Project: Implementing an Alternative Educational Method in an Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Ergonomics CoursePage, Lenore T.; Stanley, Laura M.20142014, vol.24, no.5
User Requirement Analysis for an Online Collaboration Tool for Senior Industrial Engineering Design CourseNanda, Gaurav; Lehto, Mark R.; Nof, Shimon Y.20142014, vol.24, no.5
Special Issue in Honor of Professor James W. Barany on Educational Initiatives in Ergonomics & Industrial Engineering ForewordLehto, Mark R.; Nof, Shimon Y.; Deshmukh, Abhi; Leimkuhler, Ferd; Liu, Richard; Sweet, Arnold; Wilson, Jim20142014, vol.24, no.5
A Tag-Based Approach for Learning Ergonomic ConceptsTang, Kuo Hao; Hwang, Sheue Ling; Tsai, Li Chen20142014, vol.24, no.5