

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2015, vol.51, no.1 2015, vol.51, no.2 2015, vol.51, no.3 2015, vol.51, no.4 2015, vol.52, no.1 2015, vol.52, no.2/3
2015, vol.52, no.4

A taxonomy-centred process for service engineeringBashar Al Ani; Youcef Baghdadi20152015, vol.52, no.1
Determination of earth stresses using inverse analysis based on coupled numerical modelling and soft computingShike Zhang; Shunde Yin20152015, vol.52, no.1
Review and extension of fault class hierarchy for testing Boolean specificationPravin Chandra; R. K. Singh; Yogesh Singh20152015, vol.52, no.1
A new planning method for sample points of free-form curved surfaceJianwei Ma; Fuji Wang; Zhenyuan Jia; Weili Wei20152015, vol.52, no.1
Towards test suite reduction using maximal frequent data mining conceptPreethi Harris; Nedunchezhian Raju20152015, vol.52, no.1
Robust facial expression recognition using improved sparse classifierShiqing Zhang; Gang Zhang; Xiaoming Zhao20152015, vol.52, no.1
Optical RNS adder and multiplierLeily A. Bakhtiar; Elham Yaghoubi; Seyedeh Mehri Hamidi; Mehdi Hosseinzadeh20152015, vol.52, no.1
FPGA hardware architecture of correlation-based MRI images classification using XSGFaycal Hamdaoui; Anis Sakly; Abdellatif Mtibaa20152015, vol.52, no.1
Reliability-aware DAG scheduling with primary-backup in cloud computingWeipeng Jing; Yaqiu Liu; Hongrun Shao20152015, vol.52, no.1
Mitigating the influence of the curse of dimensionality on time series similarity measuresGhazi Al-Naymat20152015, vol.52, no.1