

刊名International Journal of Mechanical Sciences


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2021 2022 2023 2024

2015, vol.100 2015, vol.101/102 2015, vol.103 2015, vol.104 2015, vol.90 2015, vol.90, no.
2015, vol.91 2015, vol.91, no. 2015, vol.92 2015, vol.93 2015, vol.94/95 2015, vol.96/97
2015, vol.98 2015, vol.99

Design of an indicator to characterize and classify mechanical tests for sheet metalsSouto, N.; Thuillier, S.; Andrade-Campos, A.20152015, vol.101/102
Stresses in finite anisotropic plate weakened by rectangular holeChauhan, Mihir M.; Sharma, Dharmendra S.20152015, vol.101/102
Modeling the material structure and couple stress effects of nanocrystalline silicon beams for pull-in and bio-mass sensing applicationsShaat, M.; Abdelkefi, A.20152015, vol.101/102
Constitutive models for regression of various experimental stress-strain relationsHu, Weilong; Lin, Yanli; Yuan, Shijian; He, Zhubin20152015, vol.101/102
Comparison of the hardening behaviour of different steel families: From mild and stainless steel to advanced high strength steelsSilvestre, E.; Mendiguren, J.; Galdos, L.; Saenz de Argandona, E.20152015, vol.101/102
In-plane effective shear modulus of generalized circular honeycomb structures and bundled tubes in a diamond array structureGotkhindi, Tejas P.; Simha, K. R. Y.20152015, vol.101/102
Accurate buckling loads of plates with different boundary conditions under arbitrary edge compressionMijuskovic, Olga; Coric, Branislav; Scepanovic, Biljana20152015, vol.101/102
A theoretical investigation on low-velocity impact response of a curved sandwich beamSadeghpour, Ebrahim; Afshin, Mehdi; Sadighi, Mojtaba20152015, vol.101/102
A quantitative understanding on the mechanical behaviors of carbon nanotube reinforced nano/ultrafine-grained compositesDong, Shuhong; Zhou, Jianqiu; Hui, David20152015, vol.101/102
Unveiling complexity of drill-string vibrations: Experiments and modellingKapitaniak, Marcin; Hamaneh, Vahid Vaziri; Chavez, Joseph Paez; Nandakumar, Krishnan; Wiercigroch, Marian20152015, vol.101/102