

刊名Management Communication Quarterly


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2015, vol.29, no.1 2015, vol.29, no.2 2015, vol.29, no.3 2015, vol.29, no.4

Deconstituting al-Qa'ida: CCO Theory and the Decline and Dissolution of Hidden OrganizationsBean, Hamilton; Buikema, Ronald J.20152015, vol.29, no.4
Bringing Hidden Organizations Out of the Shadows: Introduction to the Special IssueScott, Craig R.20152015, vol.29, no.4
Organizational Secrecy and the FBI's COINTELPRO-Black Nationalist Hate Groups Program, 1967-1971Hoerl, Kristen; Ortiz, Erin20152015, vol.29, no.4
Alternative Organizing and (In)Visibility: Managing Tensions of Transparency and Autonomy in a Nonprofit OrganizationJensen, Peter R.; Meisenbach, Rebecca J.20152015, vol.29, no.4
Managing Image in a Core-Stigmatized Organization: Concealment and Revelation in Nevada's Legal BrothelsWolfe, Anna Wiederhold; Blithe, Sarah Jane20152015, vol.29, no.4
Concealing Communities Within the Crowd: Hiding Organizational Identities and Brokering Member Identifications of the Yelp Elite SquadAskay, David A.; Gossett, Loril20152015, vol.29, no.4
Agency as a Process of TranslationBroadfoot, Kirsten J.; Munshi, Debashish20152015, vol.29, no.3
It's All in the Network: A Luhmannian Perspective on AgencyBlaschke, Steffen20152015, vol.29, no.3
Damned If I Do and Damned If I Don't: How Structurational Divergence Strips Actors of AgencyNicotera, Anne M.20152015, vol.29, no.3
The Capacity to Act and the Ability to Move: Studying Agency in Social Movement OrganizingGanesh, Shiv20152015, vol.29, no.3