

刊名E & P

Hart's E&P哈氏石油勘探与生产1998~2005
Petroleum Engineer International哈氏石油勘探与生产2003~2003


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2017 2018 2019 2020

2015, vol.88, no.1 2015, vol.88, no.1 Suppl. 2015, vol.88, no.10 2015, vol.88, no.11 2015, vol.88, no.12 2015, vol.88, no.2
2015, vol.88, no.3 2015, vol.88, no.4 2015, vol.88, no.5 2015, vol.88, no.6 2015, vol.88, no.7 2015, vol.88, no.8
2015, vol.88, no.9

Cashing in on pieces of the Caspian jigsaw: The Caspian region is overcoming immense challenges to prove itself as an oil and gas giantJohn Sheehan20152015, vol.88, no.11
Alberta's gooey prize: The Athabasca oil sands have gone from being a curiosity to one of the largest oil accumulations in the worldRhonda Duey20152015, vol.88, no.11
A fast-track pipelay pioneerMark Thomas20152015, vol.88, no.11
Perspectives on refracturing: New technologies and methodologies are key to the successful revitalization of mature shale wellsThomas G. Roesner20152015, vol.88, no.11
Hope is not a strategyMark Thomas20152015, vol.88, no.11
Cotton Valley is lone bright spot in ArkLaTex: Greater proppant loading in slickwater treatments boosts productionRichard Mason20152015, vol.88, no.11
Stopping workflow theft: A new cybersecurity issue surrounds data parameterizationRHONDA DUEY20152015, vol.88, no.11
Coffee grounds could foretell future of methane emissionsScott Weeden20152015, vol.88, no.11
'Fail early, fail well': No shame in failure, only in failing to learn from itJENNIFER PRESLEY20152015, vol.88, no.11
Keeping the power on: Geothermal energy and ocean currents could keep well sites operating autonomouslyJohn Sheehan20152015, vol.88, no.11